Presentation Skills Coaching
Deliver memorable presentations with confidence
(Coaching language: English or Japanese)

Who is it for?
You have to deliver presentations at work, and you know that speaking confidently and with impact will help you excel in your career. But just the thought of presenting fills you with dread. Even taking a group presentation skill course fills you with anxiety: presenting in front of others is not something you enjoy.
You are not alone. Many professionals feel uncomfortable when they have to deliver a presentation. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
This programme is for you if:
- You are an ambitious professional who works for an international organisation or operates in a global market
- You’re looking for practical tips on how to prepare for a presentation and deliver it with confidence
- You want to connect with your audience and get your ideas across better

How will this programme help you?
The ability to deliver engaging presentations is critical to both your personal and professional success. It’s an opportunity to enhance your reputation and raise your visibility within your organisation and industry.
But it doesn’t have to be a nerve-racking experience. By participating in this programme, you’ll learn:
- What makes a presentation effective
- How to structure your presentation to appear more credible and create a lasting positive impression
- How to manage your expectations, overcome your nerves, own the room and speak with more confidence and impact
- How to bring dry material to life and engage your audience
- How to handle challenging questions and difficult audience
- Practical tools and techniques that you can use straight away and see immediate results
I decided to participate in this programme because I wanted to be able to express my ideas more effectively. Also, I had little confidence in my presentation skills. During this programme, Tami shared her own experience, made us think about what the presentation is, and engaged us to participate in active discussion.
I learned that thinking my ideas through in advance, picking up three most important points, and speaking in my own words are the most important factors for a successful presentation.
This programme made me realise that delivering a presentation is more simple than thought. It’s just another way to use my own words to communicate my ideas.
Tami radiates hope and trust that things will work out. She taught me that I already have everything I need to move forward in me.

Tami Irokawa McGonigal
Certified executive coach, trainer and speaker

How does it work?
Step 1
We will spend 4 x 60-minute 1:1 coaching sessions working together step by step—in planning, creating and delivering an effective presentation on a topic of your choice.
Step 2
To help you better prepare and deliver your presentation, you’ll receive the following tools:
- Presentation skills workbook with tools and techniques to help you plan, create and deliver a memorable presentation with more confidence
- A presentation plan to help you structure your presentation
- A presentation day checklist to help you stay calm and focused on the “day X”
- A post-presentation feedback sheet to help you reflect on your performance
Step 3
In our final session::
- You’ll deliver your presentation, which we will record
- I’ll share my feedback on your performance
- We’ll discuss any questions you may have
Step 4
To help you keep in mind your strengths and weaknesses and to ensure that your presentation skills will keep improving, you’ll receive a written performance evaluation report.

I came to Tami looking for clarity on how to pivot into a different professional direction. Tami’s coaching provided me with a clear list of my strengths and skills and helped me identify some areas that I could work on to further enhance my profile.
I also gained more confidence and now have a much better idea of what makes my experience distinct and how I can leverage it.

Interested? Book a free discovery call.
Book a free 30-minute discovery call to talk about where you are at the moment, where you want to be, and how I can help you succeed. No strings attached.